Sweating (Schwitzen)
“Sweating” tells the last days of the friendship between two girls. Marion and Elisa live in a village that has nothing to offer them.
They roam the area, go to the disco, watch videos, swim in the pond and beat clubs.
In search of feelings and limits, they dive into an aggressive world in which they let their anger run wild against the familiar and thus get to know new, unexpectedly erupting forces within themselves.
Österreich 2014, DCP/HD, 1:1,85, 30 min
Director / screenplay:Iris Blauensteiner
Camera:Carolina Steinbrecher
Cut: Linda Reif
Sound:Simone Pischl
Music:Gudrun von Laxenburg, Yann Minz, Missue, mice on scene
Sounddesign:Andreas Pils
Production design / costume:Nina Salak, Katharina Haring
Performers:Michelle Lechner, Agnes Wilfinger, Wiltrud Schreiner, Felix Lenz, Jakob Hofer, Anika Böhm u.a.
Daniela Praher Filmproduktion
Funding: bm:ukk, Land Niederösterreich, Stadt Wien MA7, VAM, Otto Mauer Fonds
Distribution / rental:sixpackfilm
IMPRINT – © 2021 Praherfilm